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This blog post follows this first part. The aim is to integrate the SAP Cloud Platform, SAP HANA Service in Cloud Foundry with SAP Analytics Cloud to expose calculation views in an HDI container.

I will cover propagating identity from the User Account and Authentication service in your Cloud Foundry subaccount (a.k.a, xsuaa) to your HANA instance by creating a trust relation.


Configure or check the JWT identity provider in SAP HANA

Get the Certificate for your account

Log in to a SQL console

Check an existing JWT provider

Configure trust between HANA and XSUAA

Configure a user for the connection with SAC

Create a role collection

Configure the User in SAP Cloud Platform

This is a simplification from this note: https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2470084

If you already have a JWT identity provider, I would recommend you use the script in that note.

Get the Certificate for your account

While you are looking at your deployed application, check the URL for UAA:

It will be right after "url"

In a new browser tab, append /sap/trust/jwt to that URL. Leave that open, you’ll need it in a sec:

Log in to a SQL console

You can do this from Web IDE or the Dashboard:

Go to SAP HANA Cockpit -> Open SQL Console. Open a SQL console for your database

If you created your database recently, you will find a JWT provider there. Run the following statements to see if you got lucky:

The first statement returns an entry for JWT

The second statement returns the certificate for that PSE:

The third one returns the JWT provider.

Two options here:

1-     You got results: You already have a JWT provider in HANA

Make sure the certificate matches the one from your UAA service in your account. Compare the values from the UAA to the results in the select statements. You’re basically making sure you have the same certificate:

The issuer and the certificate need to match (you can download the value for the certificate to see if it matches), I personally asked HANA to compare them:

And you will find the issuer in the JWT provider:

If all of this matches, you can continue to Create a user for the connection.

If it does not match, I would recommend you run the script in the note.

2-     If you didn’t get any results, you need to create a provider

Copy the full certificate ( B – Including the "—Begin Certificate" and "End certificate—")

And use it to replace the placeholder below, mind the quotes, they are not double:

Press F8 or Run.

Get the Certificate ID:

Use the ID to replace the placeholder below:

Get the Issuer (C) from the UAA:

Replace it from below (again, mind the quotation marks… or whatever those are called):

Ta-da! Now these statements should return results:

Get the name of the JWT provider from the last statement:

Here is the sample code to create a user. Use the JWT provider in the placeholder below (and a proper user name and password, for the love of databases… )

Create a role collection

From your Cloud Foundry subaccount -> Role Collections -> New Role Collection.

Give it a name and click on it to add a role:

Add role ->  Pick the application identifier that starts with the xsappname in xs-security.json:

Configure the User in SAP Cloud Platform

Go back to the subaccount and click on your default identity provider

Find your user and click Assign Role Collection

Use the role collection you have just created

You can now test this user. Click on the endpoint of the application xsahaa-entry:

And log in with the email and password you use to log in to SAP Cloud Platform:

And this is the first joyful moment!

And now some real testing: Append the following to the URL: /sap/bc/ina/service/v2/HeartBeat

Can’t you hear that heart beat for the very first time?

Add /sap/bc/ina/service/v2/GetServerInfo

The database user you created still needs permissions to access the HDI container.  Move on to the next blog post to grant access and connect from SAP Analytics Cloud: https://blogs.sap.com/2019/04/24/connecting-the-sap-hana-service-on-cloud-foundry-to-sap-analytics-cloud-the-lazy-approach-pt3/ .
